Life of Yoshida Shoin
There is a 8m × 2.5m giant panel.On it is written the life of Yoshida Shoin.
Garden of samurai-Japanese warrior
It is an exhibition of Hagi.
The Exhibition of the age
Works by Yoshida Shoin have been exhibited.The concepts and philosophy of Yoshida Shoin are worthwhile works.
Seats of sonjuku
They are the same size as the shoukasonjuku classrooms.You can scroll the image window and see the computer graphics.
Ryukonnoma-Room for displaying letters to his students
He wrote an important letter to his family before he died. It is called “eiketsunosho” and he also wrote one for his yoshida shoin ( cram school )
You can find out his life and words, history and his close ties with people.
"The dos and don’t" of samurai of 7 articles
Live a life as a proud man “ is the motto”
Museum shop
There are special writing goods, which is only available there. For example, they have shokasonjuku, which special writing good.
There are toilets and chairs
Gourmet spot “ shoin dango”
There are also baked dumplings with sweet bean paste souce.